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Diggs X Catherine-Love has no Boundaries Part 9

�Auntie Catherine it�s time to go,� one of Catherine�s nieces said entering the room. �Oh yeah I forgot I promised to take them to the park,� Catherine remembered. �Ok then, lets go to the park, I�ll even carry them there,� Diggs said. When Catherine�s niece heard that she quickly ran to alert the others. In an instant they all came rushing in and jumped onto Diggs� back. �Ouch, watch the claws; now hold on tight,� Diggs said. So they went off to the park so Catherine�s nieces could run and play around. Catherine just smiled as she watched Diggs start playing with her nieces. They would chase each other around in circles until they got too dizzy. Catherine�s nieces preferred sliding down Diggs� back than the regular slide. Mostly because it was furrier and you could play with his tail when you got to the bottom. Catherine couldn�t help but sigh at such a cute sight; she felt a soft, warm feeling inside of her. �So much for �too adorable for my taste,�� Catherine said. �I gotta admit, they really grow on ya,� Diggs chuckled. �This is just too cute, I�ve got to take a picture,� Catherine said. So she pulled out a camera she brought along with her to take a photo. Diggs stood up with two of Catherine�s nieces leaning on his shoulders. Another one was on his head, two were snuggling his sides and the last one Diggs held in his paws. Catherine quickly took a few pictures of them; it was a very memorable moment. All of a sudden it began to rain and they all ran under the playground. �Mom I don�t want to get wet, how do we get home,� One of Catherine�s nieces asked? �Where�s an umbrella when you need one,� Catherine said. �I�m probably big enough to cover you,� Diggs suggested. �If two get on my back then ya, good idea Diggs,� Catherine said. So they all gathered under Diggs� tummy to protect themselves from the rain. �Now don�t try anything under there or you�ll get wet,� Diggs reminded them. �Yes Diggs,� They replied. So Diggs went off back to Catherine place while Catherine and her nieces stayed in pace. Lucky for them it was only a passing shower so it wouldn�t last too long. By the time they got back home the rain let up and Diggs was soaking wet. He didn�t mind getting wet though; he would do anything to please Catherine.

Written by Cody Jaigobin

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