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Date with a pretty young lady (you)

�It doesn�t matter who I am,� the brunette retorts. Her facial expression quickly lightens. The next sentence out of her mouth sends an unpleasant chill down your spine. �You�re going on a date with this pretty young lady.�

Chet turns his glance back toward you, eyeing you as if you were the finest filet mignon ever served. He�s still a little suspicious, however. �Who put you up to this? How did I get here?�

�Chet, this isn�t what you think,� you reply. I have to tell him that I'm really Evan, you think to yourself. Problem is, can I make him believe me?

�My proposal is simple,� the brunette interrupts you. �Just go on a date with this girl, and I�ll pay you $100.�

Chet stares at the brunette for a moment, his jaw going a little slack. �You�re not serious.�

�On the contrary,� the brunette insists, �I couldn�t be more serious. Take this girl out on a date and I�ll pay you $100.�

�Why?� Chet demands.

�Let�s just say you won a contest, and this is the grand prize,� the brunette answers impatiently. �Now, off with you both.�

With that, the brunette hurriedly types in some commands. You and Chet are sent off . . . somewhere else.

Written by an anonymous author

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